Living In Your Truth Blog
This is where you are going to find me a little vulnerable...
The irony in being a healer, an empath, or a sensitive is that you tend to draw to you wounded people. I spent countless years traveling the globe all over Central and South America and learning the w...
I guess Iā€™m not one to shy away from putting myself out there and becoming vulnerable. I donā€™t even know that Iā€™m doing it half the time. Iā€™m just told by many that I am. Honestly, Iā€™ve been in the bu...
My first book was titled Finding Your Inner Truth and the theme of truth has carried throughout my work.. even more so since I published this book. One of the conclusions I make in my book is that tru...
You know, its funny how often I've been criticized for how life has formed my beliefs. I have too much passion for the unmotivated or misguided. I have too much emotion for the business-minded. I love...
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